The exceeding of API calls limit means that your number of active users generating API calls that exceeds the limit of your current plan.

Whenever your app generates more API calls per second than is allowed by your plan, you will receive an email notification. Please note, this email regarding exceeded API call rate limit is not related to the number of your application users.

API call limits for QuickBlox Cloud customers:

Basic plan: 80/per second.

Starter plan: 120/per second.

Growth/HIPAA plan: 160/per second.

Enterprise plan: unlimited.

This notification is not a critical warning, but it means that there are spikes of your app activity and during these peaks, some of your users may get “429 – Too many requests” error response. (for information on errors, see Errors).

You can handle this error “429 – Too many requests” by your application logic.

An API call is any call made to a server, in this case to our server.

For example, every time your users log in, send a message, or add users to a friend list they are in fact making an API call.

If you or your development team apply all possible changes to reduce the number of generated API calls and you still receive this “exceeding API calls limit” message, then you will need to upgrade your plan.

Feel free to check our official documentation for more information that will help you to integrate QuickBlox services into your applications / projects or contact our Support team by submitting a ticket if you have any other questions.